Most of the action of the series is happening inside a house, where the cat - Tom and the mouse - Jerry live together, even though Tom is trying to catch Jerry as his owner wants too since episode 1 because mice are not welcomed in the household of most houses in the world, but Jerry turns out to be a very good adversary for Tom the cat because he is smart, sneaky and in some episodes he is going to be very lucky and he goes free from Tom's attacks. This story is very popular through the entire world, and it was displayed on Cartoon Network, where kids that are wanting to watch funny episodes and see how many interesting stories and exposed are inside the series, and you will learn that it's an American animated series, and it's based on a real-life story because everybody knows that cats are chasing mice, and you will see that Tom is going to be the cat, and Jerry is going to be the mouse through the series. You can see that there's going to be a very funny and interesting cartoon, based in America during the cold war, and the two animal characters are going to have interesting tellings through their episodes and Cartoon Network games that we are going to start publishing inside the Tom and Jerry games category that we are just publishing today here on our website.

Animal stories are very popular, and the Tom and Jerry cartoon that aired on Cartoon Network is one of the best and known all around the world, in which the main characters are going a cat and a mouse, and you will see that in each cartoon episode on Cartoon Network, you will see that the cat is chasing the mouse, and you will manage to help each of them win points through our games.